Introducing the Undercover Farm Barberpole Nicaraguan Cigars - a true delight for aficionados seeking a unique smoking experience. These premium, mild to medium-bodied cigars are meticulously hand-rolled in Nicaragua with a careful selection of aged, all-long filler tobaccos. What sets these cigars apart is the distinctive barberpole double wrapper, which not only adds visual appeal but also enhances the flavor profile. The wrapper interplay changes the taste from mild to medium, resulting in a captivating and intriguing smoke from start to finish.
One of the highlights of our Undercover Farm Barberpole cigars are their subtle creamy and earthy flavor. With each puff, you'll experience a harmonious blend of flavors that tantalize the palate. The five years of aging have allowed the tobaccos to develop depth and complexity, ensuring a truly satisfying smoking experience.
Crafted using premium Cuban seed, these Nicaraguan cigars offer exceptional quality at an incredible value. Available in a bundle of 25 for just $99.99, they are the perfect choice for aficionados looking for excellence without breaking the bank. As with all our premium bundles, we guarantee your satisfaction, ensuring that you can enjoy these cigars with confidence. Treat yourself to the Undercover Farm Barberpole Nicaraguan Cigars and embark on a journey of flavor, craftsmanship, and affordability.
11 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
great cigars...
great smoke...I am up to 2 a day...easy draw...great taste...and boy what a great price///thank you
Excellent Cigar!
Been smoking cigars for years and found an excellent cigar that I keep reordering! This cigar compares, and beats the big name brands, Arturo Fuente & many more! Mild to medium taste, with lots of cocoa, and chocolate taste through out the cigar. Well rolled, with a sweet taste on the wrapper. Buy this cigar, and you will be glad you did!
Undercover Farm Barberpole
Great tasting everyday cigar! This is like the 5th order of different cigars I ordered from Cigar Bundles Of Miami that I have purchased. Their cigars continue to beat out the big retailers, in price, quality, taste, and speed of delivery! You won't go wrong in ordering these!!!
Excellent Cigar!
I have been smoking cigars for a long time. I think I was born with one in my mouth! This is a great cigar, chocolate, light, dark, smoked it to the nub. I should have let this age more in my humidor, but couldn't wait to smoke it. Now, they are all gone! I'm trying different cigars from your company, and haven't been disappointed yet. Thank you!
Undercover Farm Barberpoles
This is the first time I have tried the UCF BP's. I will be buying them again. Great draw and flavor with an excellent price = A Great Value!
This cigar starts off mild and after about a half an inch becomes more of a medium smoke. Nicely constructed and when cut a little has an even ash. The flavor and aroma changes a little as you smoke it. It's a great cigar for someone who wants to try something different. If you can't decide whether you like a mild or medium this cigar is perfect. A Barberpole blend is usually twice the cost of these in New Jersey. It's a great deal and you can't go wrong.
Barber Pole 93 Rated
This cigar was not what I originally ordered but was a replacement for a back ordered cigar. I am happy the other cigar was not available as this is a good smoke. Easy draw and a great burn makes this a good option for a daily smoke. I will be ordering more!!!
very good cigar
Cigarbunfleofmiami is good company to deal with specially the owner Alex an Jacki
A Great Cigar
I have been consistently pleased with the Barber Poles. Excellent draw, great flavor, and economically priced. I can't say enough about them, so i will just smoke another.